Play Familiar Mythic Arena

So you want to try playing the card game Familiar: Mythic Arena? Great! We’ve got a few different ways for you to play right now.

Purchase a Physical Copy

We’re currently selling the game through the Game Crafter, which is a print on demand website for tabletop games. Nothing beats having a physical copy in your hand, professionally done that you can play with your friends! AND…you’ve got all you need to play a 2 player game from just one box!

*We also do plan to run a Kickstarter in the future, however we’re uncertain when that will be right now. The Kickstarter will be used to purchase the game in bulk, and hopefully get it out into stores!

Familiar Mythic Arena Box and cards

Download the Free Print ‘n Play

If you want to demo the physical game, you can sign up to our email list, and we’ll send you a link to download the free Print ‘n Play version of the game. You’ll have to print and cut out the cards yourself(we recommend using plastic sleeves to put them in), but it’s fully playable with all the cards!

More info on the Print and Play can be found here.

Sign up to our email list to get a link to a Free Print ‘N Play version of the game:

Familiar Mythic Arena free print and play

Play on Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator is a really cool computer program that lets you create your own card and board games inside of it. Familiar is now available for anyone to try for free! Search for Familiar Mythic Arena in the workshop search on Steam, or use this link here: Familiar on Tabletop Simulator

There’s also more info here about Tabletop Simulator and a little keyboard command guide.

Familiar on Tabletop Simulator

Communication Channels

If you want to find someone to play the game with, get help or advice, or just chat with others here are our main channels of communication for Familiar: Mythic Arena:

  • Facebook Group – we also post some sneak peaks and first views of new cards and mechanics here!
  • Discord Server – want to set up a time to learn the game with us, or need to ask questions in voice chat? This is the best way.
  • Contact us – if you’d rather send us a private email for any questions or suggestions, use this form!