Playtesting Familiar -and- Free Print and Play released!

Familiar Mythic Arena free playtest version

As of today we’re releasing a Free Print and Play version of our card game, Familiar Mythic Arena, for anyone who’d like to try it out and play the game!

It’s available for free when you sign up to our email list (you’ll get a welcome email after subscribing with a link to download it). You can sign up through this link below:

If you’ve already subscribed and would like a copy, feel free to email us that you’re interested and we’ll send it to you!

Things to Note:

  • All 72 cards from the base game are included, but since this is a Free PnP version, it does have “Print ‘n Play” watermarks on it, and is made in low color (lighter and more desaturated than the official version which is full color).
  • Plastic Card sleeves are very helpful if you’re printing them out on paper. You can get them in your local game stores or online. They should be 2.5 x 3.5″, standard size sleeves.
  • You’ll have to use your own counters to keep track of health & statuses, and you’ll need at least one 20 sided dice to play.
  • Go here for the Rulebook and How to Play Instructions.
  • There are also some FAQ’s located here.

*If you don’t want to spend the time printing out the game, and want an actual copy, it is also available right now through the GameCrafter!

Playtesting Familiar

If you’d like to help us playtest Familiar, please join our Facebook group to stay in touch and give us feedback on the game!

So what do we need help with?

Rulebook & FAQ’s

The base game has been playtested thoroughly by our team and works really well, but we could use your help with making sure we didn’t miss anything in the Rulebook and for filling out FAQ’s online. We want to be as thorough as we can, but have been limited with a 20 page Rulebook through the GameCrafter, so we’d like to create an expanded one before going to Kickstarter, and that will also be provided on the website.

  • What sections of the Rulebook do you think need clarification?
  • Where would you like to see more pictures added?
  • Does something not make sense, are you having a hard time with a game rule?
  • Is there a video of something specific you’d like to see?

Let us know!


We’re currently working on creating and developing expansions for Familiar. If you’d like to try out some of the new material while we are refining them, join our Facebook group where we’ll post updates on the expansions. You can try them out right away! You’ll also be the first to see any in development images of artwork, etc!

We appreciate any input and playtesting critiques you can give us! We want to make this one of the best games we can. Thank you 🙂